
Description: Use the HTML Applet tag parameters to configure CircleBanner. No parameters are required. All have defaults. Overview:

Name Explanation Default
message The text. "CircleBanner"
direction clockwise, counterclockwise counterclockwise
url A link. (nothing)
fontname The set of logical fonts is specific to the Java implementation. IE 4.0 supported fonts (Dialog, Helvetica, TimesRoman, Courier, DialogInput, ZapfDingbats). Netscape 4.04 supported fonts (Dialog, SansSerif, Serif, Monospaced, Helvetica, TimesRoman, Courier, DialogInput, ZapfDingbats). Helvetica
fontsize The font's point size (app. 1/72 of an inch). 12
fontpadding Extra space (in pixels) applied to both the font's width and height. 0
background Background color specified in the RBG Color Model. 000000
foreground Foreground color specified in the RBG Color Model. FFFFFF
image A background image. (nothing)
imageattribute How the background image will be displayed: center, tile, scale center
effects Special random color effects for characters: fixedcolors, fixedpastels, randomcolors, randompastels (nothing)
seed A seed for pseudo-random numbers. Set this parameter to a whole number to always generate the same series of colors for the 'effects' parameter. Typical examples: 233280, 9301, 49297. (nothing)
pause The number of milliseconds to pause between painting the screen. Effects the rotation speed. 100
rotationfactor 0 - 100 and above.. A factor which determines the next location of a character during rotation. 0 = the next pixel location. 100 = the next location in the set of areas for characters of this font that can be evenly spaced around the perimeter. Effects the rotation speed and smoothness of animation. 100
radius The radius (in pixels). The radius cannot be negative. 1/4 of which is smaller, applet height or applet width.
x The horizontal pixel location of the circle's center. 1/2 of which is smaller, applet height or applet width.
y The vertical pixel location of the circle's center. 1/2 of which is smaller, applet height or applet width.

HTML code of the applet:

<APPLET CODE="CircleBanner.class" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="200">
<PARAM NAME="message" VALUE="#1Archive">
<PARAM NAME="direction" VALUE="counterclockwise">
<PARAM NAME="x" VALUE="100">
<PARAM NAME="y" VALUE="100">
<PARAM NAME="radius" VALUE="55">
<PARAM NAME="fontstyle" VALUE="BOLD">
<PARAM NAME="fontsize" VALUE="30">
<PARAM NAME="image" VALUE="back.gif">
<PARAM NAME="effects" VALUE="fixedpastels">
<PARAM NAME="rotationfactor" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="pause" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="seed" VALUE="2202">

Author: Michael Raillard
Java Source:
Download: (26k)
Usage: The applet is free for the private / non-commercial use.



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